Tuesday 28 May 2013

Hi its iris speaking and i'm 10 years old. The reason i have put a whippet as my post is because i have my very own whippet and she is beautiful! I love her very much. Also, whippets are quite rare (not very rare) and i would like them to become more popular! All my friends have basically the same types of dogs, you know, not very fast, really furry they are all cute dogs, just like Lottie(my whippet dog,) but I really think that whippets should get a little bit more popular! Don't you? Here is a picture of lottie! aww look at her sweet little face! That was her when she was a pup! So cute! She still is!

our first day of owning a dog!
soon we might even be getting a chihuahua!
Bye everyone! Feel free to visit any of my other posts! :D



Moviestarplanet is an virtual online game which allows children to chat with friends and help people when their sad such as this speech that i once heard on moviestarplanet in the skate park.
"sniff, im so useless, no one wants me :(" said a newbie,
"whats the matter?" asked another user who was vip. Now, usually vips can be horrible to newbies and think that just cause their richer than them, that they can push them around.THATS NOT TRUE!!! We all deserve to have fun. Anyway, this vip user was not like that, she was kind and always loved to help the newbies, such as giving them tours, wishys, autos... ext. O.K then, back to the story.                                      

"no one likes me, especially the vips, they're always pushing me around like i don't belong," said the newbie,"Also, my boyfriend just broke up with me!"

"Oh, thats so sad, im awfully sorry for what your going through, come to mine and i shall solve all your problems!"Said the vip girl. The vip girl was called iris30 x and she was beautiful and ever so kind.And the next day, the newbie came back, and she had a big smile on her face! THE END!

You can get pets for only 900 sc!

there are 8 chat rooms , the beach, cinema, cafe, school, vip club, mall (lvl 5+), pet park, skate park!

Loads of games!

Making movies, looks, artbooks and much more!

Shopping for clothes, items, music, backgrounds, make up ext!
                                                 AND ITS FREE (not free to be a vip :D)


Cheats for Binweevils!

                                                MULCH! It helps if your weevil is poor!

1. 63=1000 Mulch!

2. 685=1000 Mulch!

3. Mulchmag1120=1000 Mulch!WOW!!

4. Sea2012= 500 Mulch!

5.WW150mulch13=150 Mulch!

                                                                XP (experience points!!!)
1. LAB229MULCH3= 200 XP!

2.WW150XP3= 150 XP!

3.167HOIDAY1= 500 mulch/30 XP!!



1.GIFT9= Welcome Sign!

2.325645= Inks magnifying glass statue!

3.EASTERTINK13= Cuddly Easter-Bunny toy!

4.LUCKY2013= St Patricks-Day Poster!

5.10ROCK30= Binweevils rock poster!

Thats all for now weevils! I apologise for any codes that have expired as it is my first day of this blog! Please leave any comments if you wish to! Thanks!!!